Policy & Resources Committee


Agenda Item 76

Date of meeting 1st December 2022



Labour Group Amendment


Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2022/23: Month 7 (October)

That the relevant changes are made to the recommendations as shown below in strikethrough and bold italics:


2.1       That the committee note the forecast risk position for the General Fund, which indicates a potential forecast overspend risk of £11.637m. This includes an underspend of £0.208m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services.

2.2       Note the expected provision required in relation to the academisation of Homewood House of £0.250m as set out in paragraph 9.8.

2.3       That the committee note the forecast for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is currently an overspend of £1.173m.

2.4      That the committee note the forecast position for the Dedicated Schools Grant which is currently an overspend of £0.094m.

2.5      That the committee note the forecast outturn position on the capital programme which is a forecast underspend of £0.393m and approve the variations and slippage in Appendix 6 and new schemes as set out in Appendix 7.

2.6       That the committee notes that further urgent work is required to balance the budget within the current financial year.

2.7       That the committee requests officers report back to service committees and January Policy & Resources Committee, listing the actions they are taking within their directorates under officer delegations together with a list of further recommended actions that could be taken this year to bring the budget under control, including consideration of bringing forward proposed rises to fees and charges and the proposed reduction in payments of concessionary bus fares support to bus companies operating in the Brighton & Hove areaBrighton & Hove Bus Company in to this financial year – subject to legal advice.



Proposed by: Cllr Appich                                      Seconded by: Cllr Yates

Recommendations to read, if carried:


2.1       That the committee note the forecast risk position for the General Fund, which indicates a potential forecast overspend risk of £11.637m. This includes an underspend of £0.208m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services.

2.2       Note the expected provision required in relation to the academisation of Homewood House of £0.250m as set out in paragraph 9.8.

2.3       That the committee note the forecast for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is currently an overspend of £1.173m.

2.4      That the committee note the forecast position for the Dedicated Schools Grant which is currently an overspend of £0.094m.

2.5      That the committee note the forecast outturn position on the capital programme which is a forecast underspend of £0.393m and approve the variations and slippage in Appendix 6 and new schemes as set out in Appendix 7.

2.6       That the committee notes that further urgent work is required to balance the budget within the current financial year.

2.7       That the committee requests officers report back to service committees and January Policy & Resources Committee, listing the actions they are taking within their directorates under officer delegations together with a list of further recommended actions that could be taken this year to bring the budget under control, including consideration of bringing forward proposed rises to fees and charges and the proposed reduction in payments of concessionary bus fares to support bus companies operating in Brighton & Hove area in to this financial year – subject to legal advice.